A family of wine growers

The Gautherot have been wine growers since 1695.

My wine growing ancestors were extremely strong and obstinate; they carried soil in baskets, a pick in their hand, and sculpted our hillsides to create the wonderful “gardens” of the Champagne region.

Exceptional wines require hard work, the sharpest slopes, the rockiest soil and the best exposure. Closer to home, and still very present in our memories, is Anselme Gautherot, a man who faithfully replanted the estate with determination at the dawn of the last century although phylloxera had destroyed all the vines in France.

Then came René, my grandfather. The town’s mayor, the public wine press worker and a purchaser for the most renowned champagne estates, he was one of the first to own a highly modern press facility.Bubbles and foam welcomed my father, André. He developed and improved the vineyard and exported our brand throughout five continents as of the 1960s.

Then me, François, heir to this tradition and expertise. All of my energy is dedicated to taking this history even further and being worthy of you, our consumers, and champagne devotees.